FamilyForward is a not a traditional social services organization. Here are four characteristics that set FamilyForward apart.

What’s special about FamilyForward? We are an investment firm, not a charity.
Participants in our two-year family program are employed parents who are motivated to make changes. They want to be financially stable, and they recognize that they need help to get there. People who are only interested in financial assistance and demonstrate no motivation to make changes to their income or their expenses, are not accepted into our program. There are no handouts in FamilyForward. Parents are active participants in learning new ideas and making changes.
What’s special about FamilyForward? Volunteers bring skill, wisdom and warmth.
Our mentors are volunteers. They do not read from a script or prescribe a certain budget. First and foremost, they listen. They are a fresh set of eyes on the family’s situation. Because of their own life experience, mentors can offer guidance, support and ideas. Most important, mentors volunteer because they care.
What’s special about FamilyForward? Mentoring is based on a relationship, not a transaction.
Mentors meet with the family once a week. With weekly meetings, mentors and participants get to know each other and develop a trusting relationship. With this foundation of trust, the family gradually but constantly moves forward toward their goals. FamilyForward families embark on a journey of change, and along the way, they are coached and encouraged by volunteer mentors who know and care about them. Learn more about mentoring.
What’s special about FamilyForward? We work with humans, not widgets.
We treat each family individually. Every family has its own history, composition and circumstances. What works for one family will not necessarily work for another family. Our volunteer mentors provide a customized approach to the unique needs of the family with which they work. We understand that life will present many ups and downs along the way. There is no blanket answer to poverty. FamilyForward is changing lives, one family at a time.