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Rent subsidy helps family turn things around

Sarah Harte

The Faith Community Homes rent subsidy helped this family get caught up on rent and end their financial crisis.

“Jane” and “Mark” are married parents of two children who live in an apartment in Arlington Heights, Ill. A series of life circumstances, plus some bad luck, contributed to their financial crisis. When they applied to Faith Community Homes, they had less than $100 in the bank and were struggling to pay all their bills each month.

Help With Rent makes a real impact

The Faith Community Homes rent subsidy helped them get caught up on rent and allowed their children to remain in their schools. With assistance from Faith Community Homes, the family was able to save up enough money to buy a reliable used car and put away some money into savings for future emergencies. While in our program, Mark resumed taking classes online and is on track to graduate with his bachelor’s degree in the spring.

Mark experienced job loss due to COVID-19, but the family was able to keep up with their bills during the pandemic. After applying for countless jobs, Mark eventually got a new job, which pays more per hour than his job pre-pandemic. Jane’s work hours were cut back during the pandemic and she balances work with being present for her kids’ e-learning. Jane and Mark have been down a bumpy road, and money continues to be tight. But they are no longer in crisis. They expressed much gratitude to Faith Community Homes for the support they received during their most difficult time.


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